1 /* FOREGEJ - FOrmatting REfactoring GEnerating Java
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2003 Andreas Arrgard
4 *
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18 */
19 package com.octagroup.foregej.java.lang;
20 import antlr.collections.AST;
21 import com.octagroup.foregej.antlr.NodeWriter;
22 import com.octagroup.foregej.html.HtmlNodeWriter;
23 import com.octagroup.foregej.java.doc.ast.AST_JAVADOC;
24 import com.octagroup.foregej.java.lang.ast.ops.BiOp;
25 import com.octagroup.foregej.java.lang.tok.Comment;
26 import com.octagroup.foregej.java.lang.tok.TOK_JAVA_COMMENT;
27 import com.octagroup.foregej.java.lang.tok.TOK_WS;
28 /***
29 */
30 public class JavaNodeWriter extends NodeWriter
31 {
32 /***
33 * This is a reference to all the comments after the last written ast
34 */
35 private JavaToken lastHiddenAfter_=null;
36 /***
37 * When the tokens hidden after an ast is assigned we look for the
38 * last hidden token
39 */
40 private JavaToken nextSeparator_=null;
41 /***
42 * should comments be written?
43 */
44 protected boolean writeComments_=true;
45 /***
46 * Adds wrapping spec. for java code tokens.
47 *
48 * @param c
49 * @return
50 */
51 protected int canWrapOn(char c)
52 {
53 if(c==',') {
54 return WRAP_AFTER;
55 }
56 return WRAP_NOT;
57 //return super.canWrapOn(c);
58 }
59 /***
60 * Adds wrapping spec. for java code asts.
61 *
62 * @param firstAst
63 * @param secondAst
64 * @return
65 */
66 protected boolean canWrapBetween(AST firstAst,AST secondAst)
67 {
68 if(firstAst instanceof BiOp&&secondAst instanceof BiOp) {
69 return true;
70 }
71 return false;
72 }
73 /***
74 * Signals if comments should not be written or not.
75 *
76 * @param b should comments be written
77 */
78 public void setWriteComments(boolean b)
79 {
80 writeComments_=b;
81 }
82 /***
83 * Writes the comments that are before the supplied ast.
84 *
85 * @param ast
86 */
87 private void writeCommentsBefore(JavaAST ast)
88 {
89 if(false==writeComments_) return;
90 JavaToken javaToken=findHead((JavaToken)ast.getHiddenBefore());
91 if(javaToken!=null) {
92 writeComments(javaToken, null);
93 }
94 }
95 /***
96 * @param ast
97 */
98 private void assignCommentsAfter(JavaAST ast)
99 {
100 //
101 // As long as the tokens are not reordered by the
102 // antlr grammar this should work...
103 //
104 lastHiddenAfter_=(JavaToken)ast.getHiddenAfter();
105 findNextSeparator(lastHiddenAfter_);
106 }
107 /***
108 * Helper method that finds the next separator.
109 *
110 * @param prospect
111 */
112 private void findNextSeparator(JavaToken prospect)
113 {
114 while(prospect!=null&&(prospect instanceof Comment||
115 prospect instanceof TOK_WS)){
116 prospect=(JavaToken)prospect.getHiddenAfter();
117 }
118 nextSeparator_=prospect;
119 }
120 /***
121 * Writes the comments before and after.
122 *
123 * @param ast
124 */
125 public void write(AST ast)
126 {
127 if(ast!=null) {
128 JavaAST javaAST=(JavaAST)ast;
129 writeCommentsBefore(javaAST);
130 assignCommentsAfter(javaAST);
131 //
132 // write the associated javadoc
133 //
134 if(javaAST.getJavadoc()!=null) {
135 writeComment(javaAST.getJavadoc());
136 newLine();
137 }
138 }
139 super.write(ast);
140 }
141 /***
142 * Helper method that finds the head of a list.
143 *
144 * @param list
145 * @return
146 */
147 private JavaToken findHead(JavaToken list)
148 {
149 if(list==null) {
150 return null;
151 }
152 while(list.getHiddenBefore()!=null){
153 list=(JavaToken)list.getHiddenBefore();
154 }
155 return list;
156 }
157 /***
158 * Write comments before popping indentation
159 *
160 * @param s
161 * @return
162 */
163 public String popIndentationAndWrite(String s)
164 {
165 writeCommentsUpTo(s);
166 String lastIndent=popIndentation();
167 write(s);
168 return lastIndent;
169 }
170 /***
171 * If we write text that matches the first separator - write all the
172 * comments up to that separator.
173 *
174 * @param s
175 */
176 public void write(String s)
177 {
178 writeCommentsUpTo(s);
179 super.write(s);
180 }
181 /***
182 * Helper method that writes all the comments up the supplied token.
183 *
184 * @param s
185 */
186 private void writeCommentsUpTo(String s)
187 {
188 if(nextSeparator_!=null&&s.equals(nextSeparator_.getText())) {
189 // write the comments up to this separator...
190 writeComments(lastHiddenAfter_, nextSeparator_);
191 // find the next separator...
192 findNextSeparator((JavaToken)nextSeparator_.getHiddenAfter());
193 }
194 }
195 /***
196 * Helper method that writes the supplied token if it is a comment.
197 *
198 * @param token
199 */
200 private void writeComment(JavaToken token)
201 {
202 if(token instanceof Comment&&false==isWritten(token)) {
203 // ok, the token is a comment - check if it is a javadoc token,
204 // or just an ordinary token.
205 if(token instanceof TOK_JAVA_COMMENT) {
206 writeComment((TOK_JAVA_COMMENT)token);
207 } else {
208 writeComment((Comment)token);
209 }
210 if(token.hasNewLineAfter()) {
211 newLine();
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 /***
216 * Helper method that writes a comment to this node writer.
217 *
218 * @param comment the comment to write.
219 */
220 public void writeComment(Comment comment)
221 {
222 // write the ordinary comment without wrapping lines
223 boolean oldWrapSetting=canWrapLines_;
224 canWrapLines_=false;
225 write(comment);
226 canWrapLines_=oldWrapSetting;
227 }
228 /***
229 * Helper method that writes a java comment to this node writer.
230 *
231 * @param comment the comment to write.
232 */
233 public void writeComment(TOK_JAVA_COMMENT comment)
234 {
235 AST_JAVADOC javaDoc=comment.getAstJavaDoc();
236 if(javaDoc==null) {
237 // we were not able to parse the javadoc -
238 // use the unparsed version...
239 write(comment.getText());
240 } else {
241 // write the javadoc token
242 try{
243 HtmlNodeWriter hnw=new HtmlNodeWriter();
244 copyThisStateTo(hnw);
245 hnw.write(javaDoc);
246 }catch (RuntimeException e) {
247 System.out.println("Error writing comment:"+comment.getText());
248 throw e;
249 }
250 }
251 }
252 /***
253 * Helper method that writes all the comment in the lastHiddenTokens
254 * list up to the supplied token.
255 *
256 * @param javaToken
257 * @param upTo
258 */
259 private void writeComments(JavaToken javaToken,JavaToken upTo)
260 {
261 while(javaToken!=null&&javaToken!=upTo){
262 writeComment(javaToken);
263 javaToken=(JavaToken)javaToken.getHiddenAfter();
264 }
265 }
266 }
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